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Are you suffering from Amblyopia?

Amblyopia, also known as the lazy eye is an eye condition which occurs due to loss or lack development of central vision in one eye. This problem is not related to any eye problem and is not correctable with lenses. Amblyopia occurs when an individual does not use both eyes together. It generally develops before the age of six and it does not affect side vision.  If you find your child is suffering from lazy eye, you should take your child to a center of eye care in Mesa Arizona.
Center of eye care in Mesa Arizona
Center of eye care in Mesa Arizona
When you will take your child to an eye care center in Arizona, the eye doctor will provide the required treatment. Treatments for amblyopia may include a combination of prescription lenses, vision therapy, and eye patching. They also provide in vision therapy where the individuals suffering from this problem learn how to use the two eyes together. The therapy also prevents the lazy eye from occurring again.
Many think lazy eye will go away on its own. But it is a myth. If not diagnosed properly, treatment takes longer and is sometimes less effective. The center for eye care in Mesa in Arizona also provides treatments for other eye problems. They also provide Lasik eye surgery in Arizona. Lasik eye surgery is used to treat many eye problems.

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